BankingBridge Blog

3 Ways Loan Officers Can Improve Email Response by 50%

Feb 8, 2018 2:45:02 PM / by Ari Goodstein

Prospecting is one of those things that we all hate, but its the only way we are going to make our numbers and buy that five-star trip to Maui! Email has been one of those great revolutionary tools for sales people, but it is no secret that its lost its bite over the last decade. As a loan officer, its an easy thought to "E-blast" everyone in your contact list and see what sticks, but this method could be hurting you more than helping. I'll be posting an article on the dangers of e-blasting, along with a best practices guide for growing your realtor partner base, so join our newsletter to keep posted!

Below is a cheat sheet that every loan officer should use when it comes to email marketing, whether you are prospecting for partnerships, customer refinancing, or new purchase loans.

1. Timing is Everything! Send Your Emails Early

The average person deletes 48% of their inbound emails every day, IN FIVE MINUTES! So if you don't want your message to go the way of the DoDo, then you need to get your email to your prospect when they want it.

And believe it or not, research shows that the vast majority of prospects want to read emails at 5 and 6 a.m.! Who knew there were so many early birds out there?


2. Make Your Subject Pop...In All The Right Ways

You would never yell at a prospect when you first meet them, so why are you doing with your emails? Here are a few tips to make your Subject Line scream "OPEN ME!"


3. Keep Your Message Simple & Engaging



Topics: Insider, Mortgage Marketing Ideas, Tips & Tricks

Ari Goodstein

Written by Ari Goodstein