BankingBridge Blog

The Power of a Button

Feb 8, 2018 3:05:23 PM / by Ari Goodstein posted in Insider, Tips & Tricks, Product Features


“Could we put a button next to a Realtor’s listing on their webpage, and when we click it, show the actual, real-time monthly payment? Can the user then adjust the payment based on changing the down payment amount and loan option?”
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The Ultimate 2018 Loan Officer Marketing Plan: Double Your Loan Originations with Some Simple Strategies!

Feb 8, 2018 2:59:00 PM / by Ari Goodstein posted in Insider, Mortgage Marketing Ideas, Tips & Tricks


Marketing has always been a massive component in the growth of any business, which is why it’s utilized so heavily. But, with lending companies, there’s extra pressure to fine-tune marketing campaigns, in order to connect with their target audience on a more personal level. After all, borrowing a substantial amount of money to live in your dream home for years to come, is not a decision to be taken lightly.

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Building A Millennial Home

Feb 8, 2018 2:53:22 PM / by Ari Goodstein posted in Insider, Millennials


Millennials have postponed buying homes for a long time, choosing instead to rent or live in multi-generational homes (like in mom and dad’s basement.) Even so, the dream of homeownership has hung on the horizon. Finally, many are taking the leap. That’s exciting, but now that millennials are part of the picture, it significantly changes how we approach the real estate market. From building homes to showing them, we have to consider how millennials operate in the world, and take into consideration what they are looking for. Specifically, developers need to ensure that the homes they are building are designed around what a millennial is looking for.

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3 Ways Loan Officers Can Improve Email Response by 50%

Feb 8, 2018 2:45:02 PM / by Ari Goodstein posted in Insider, Mortgage Marketing Ideas, Tips & Tricks


Prospecting is one of those things that we all hate, but its the only way we are going to make our numbers and buy that five-star trip to Maui! Email has been one of those great revolutionary tools for sales people, but it is no secret that its lost its bite over the last decade. As a loan officer, its an easy thought to "E-blast" everyone in your contact list and see what sticks, but this method could be hurting you more than helping. I'll be posting an article on the dangers of e-blasting, along with a best practices guide for growing your realtor partner base, so join our newsletter to keep posted!

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